poniedziałek, 18 września 2017
czwartek, 31 sierpnia 2017
niedziela, 9 lipca 2017
wtorek, 13 czerwca 2017
Music Is My Parachute, 10 - 11.06.2017 Macondo, Wrocław
Solo Impro Mini Festival
Music Is My Parachute
curated by Lena Czerniawska and Michał Sember
Fot. W. Skibiński
reszta fot. Macondo
czwartek, 25 maja 2017
niedziela, 12 marca 2017
Disquiet/Niepokój, 11.03.2017, klub Proza, Wrocław
Niepokój / Disquiet
Improwizacja inspirowana Księgą Niepokoju Fernando Pessoi
Improvised act inspired by The Book of Disquiet by Fernando Pessoa
Michał Rupniewski– skrzypce/ violin
Michał Sember – gitara elektryczna, obiekty/ electric guitar, objects
Ryszard Lubieniecki - głośnice akordeonowe, taśmy / accordion reed ranks, tapes
Lena Czerniawska
Ruch/ Movement:
Dariusz Małojło
Anna Bogdanowicz
Klub PROZA, Przejście Garncarskie 2
11.03. godz.19:00
„Wszystko, co człowiek stwierdza lub wyraża jest notatką na marginesie całkowicie wymazanego tekstu. Możemy na podstawie notatki zgadywać, jaka była mniej więcej istota tekstu, ale zawsze pozostaje pewna wątpliwość, a możliwych znaczeń jest wiele".
Niespójność, notoryczne i celowe kwestionowanie , podważanie przed chwilą postawionego znaku, gestu, dźwięku – jako struktura; wątpliwość jako narzędzie; hybryda jako postać; tekst jako partytura; wprawiona w ruch kolekcja fragmentów jako jedyna możliwa całość.
“Everything stated or expressed by man is a note in the margin of a completely erased text. From what's in the note we can extract the gist of what must have been in the text, but there's always a doubt, and the possible meanings are many.”
Inconsistency, notorious and deliberate questioning, undoing the already placed sign, gesture or sound – as a structure; doubt as a tool; hybrid as a charachter; text as notation; collection of fragments set in motion - as the only possible whole.
Book of Disquiet
by Bernardo Soares by Fernando Pessoa is
a dubious and uncertain whole, found after his death in a trunk with
several dozen thousands of pages, among which was an envelope with
350 fragments signed with the initials B.S.. Bernardo Soares, a
bookkeeper from Lisbon, is one of Pessoa's 'heteronyms', i.e. one of
around eighty fictional characters, endowed with history,
physiognomy, specific literary style, set of beliefs and preferences.
Pessoa would give away the authorship of his writings to them, or he
wrote on their behalf. In the words of Richard Zenith (the
editor of the most reliable Portugese version and translator into
Book of Disquiet
(…) never existed, strictly speaking, and can never exist. What we
have here isn't a book but its subversion and negation: the
ingredients for a book whose recipe is to keep sifting,
(…) the rooms and windows to build a book but no floor plan, and no
word 'disquiet' refers to the acute awareness of constant change,
restlessness and uncertainty present everywhere. Soares (or Pessoa as
Soares?) is looking at pedestrians, co-workers, the seasons, the
times of day, unsure of the reality of his own experience, his own
identity and even his existence. Adam Phillips (British
psychotherapist and author) puts it that way: "Because he did
not find his voice, but his voices, Pessoa never fell into the trap
of knowing what he was doing; he didn't need to imitate himself to
keep writing."
structure of, and the history behind, The
Book has
become, for us, an invitation to reassemble the pieces of this
mosaic, using our own tools and points of reference. Improvisation
is a natural and common way for this group of performers, and
improvisation, understood as a deliberate reveling in / unraveling /
revealing of the „making-of”, and shifting the emphasis from the
effect onto the process, seems an appropriate interpretational key
for responding to Pessoa's bits and pieces of texts,
to his history and that of The
Depending on the shifting of emphasis, the result of our work can be
seen as a performance, a concert or performative reading.
Michał Sember
Dariusz Małojło
Lena Czerniawska
Anna Bogdanowicz
Ryszard Lubieniecki
Michał Rupniewski
fot. Gabriela Piasecka
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